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This Page Last Updated: January 5th, 2005

Vernon Hills Stingers

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Hawthorn Junior High
Vernon Hills High School

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Kid's & Government
FEMA for Kids
CIA's Homepage for Kid's
FDA's Kid's Homepage
Ben's Gov't Guide
First Gov for Kid's
USDA for Kid's
U.S. Mint - Pocket Change
U.S. Treasury - Kid's Page
Girl Power
Justice for Kid's
First Gov


Interesting Sites
Today In History
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Groundhog Day
Guinness World Records
Polar Plunge
Ripley's Believe It Or Not
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Fun & Games
Ty - Beanie Babies
Hasbro - Candyland
Lifesavers - Candystand
Cartoon Network
Discovery Kids    ( Discovery Channel )
Playhouse Disney
Zoog Disney
You Rule School    ( General Mills )
Harry Potter    - Warner Bros.
Kid's World 2000
Krispy Kreme
M & M's Network
McDonald Land
Mini Clip
Nabisco Kids
National Geographic for Kids
Scholastic    ( I Spy, Magic School Bus, Harry Potter, Etc. )
Sponge Bob Square Pants
Sports Illustrated for Kids
Skate Boarding
The Nine Planets
Warner Brothers
Whale Club

Video Games

Game Faq

  • Disney
  • Two-Can Publishing
  • Cool Freebie Links
  • FamFun - The Family Channel
  • FreeZone
  • Digby's Just for Kids Place
  • PonyShow's Kids
  • Dr. Bowen's Incredible Contest Club!
  • The Tanaka Family
  • The Refrigerator Art Contest
  • K.E.W.L. - Kids Excellent Web Links
  • M.C. Escher Links
  • Not Just for Kids
  • Berit's Best Sites for Children
  • Aunt Annie's Craft Page
  • Nucleus Kids' Page
  • Hands On Children's Museum
  • Family Planet
  • Haemi Balgassi and family
  • Radio Aahs Online
  • Pooh's 100 Acre Wood - Awesome!
  • International Kids' Space
  • CityNet
  • Billy Bear's Playground
  • The Teel Family
  • Kids Tour
  • Blossom's Kids Page
  • Bubbles
  • Kids Stuff
  • Kids' Shareware and More
  • TnT Cool Kid's Sites
  • Paddy's Tree House
  • Links For Kids
  • Kid's World 2000
  • The Family Center
  • The Kids and Computers Pages
  • Howard's Links 4 Kids
  • Tenny's Kids Page
  • Incore Kid's Corner
  • Link-4-Kids
  • ZiaKids
  • Microsoft Kids
  • Fox Kid's Network
  • Kids Care!
  • The Exploratorium
  • The Petry Family
  • Maddy Mayhem's Kids' Stuff
  • Kids Did This!
  • Ultimate Children's Internet Sites
  • Heather's Home Page
  • Just Kiddin' Around
  • Stone Soup
  • Metaverse
  • Hand Puppets
  • Star Trek Voyager Page
  • Pollanen's Cyberland
  • Scholastic Central
  • PBS's Reading Rainbow
  • Underwater World
  • How Light Works
  • Silly Billy's World
  • Real Kids, Real Adventures
  • NorthWest Kids' Page
  • Falcons' Nest
  • Thalia's Funpage
  • The Bowen Family Pages
  • Youth Central
  • Candlelight Stories
  • The Canadian Kids Page
  • Judy & Andy's Online Songbook
  • Froggy - green and very cool!
  • Ontario Science Center
  • Cool Dog Teddy's Home Page
  • Marionville
  • Veb Village
  • Free Stuff for Kids
  • The Minneapolis Institute of The Arts
  • Jessica's Home Page
  • Internet 4 Kids
  • A Kids Web Page
  • Nabisco's In-Thing
  • The Children Page
  • Australia Page
  • Kid's Window
  • Wombat Net for Kids
  • Mammoth Music List
  • The Computer Graphics Page
  • Space Camp
  • Oasis Kids' Corner
  • Kid's College Page
  • Janice's K-12 Cyberspace Outpost
  • Kids WB
  • Crafts for Kids
  • Scotland On-line Kids Stuff
  • School News
  • Club-Z
  • The McGuffie Avenue Gang
  • Kid's Planet
  • Cool Safe Links
  • Mikie's Web World
  • GORP
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • The Learning Train
  • Dodoland
  • CyberKids
  • University College of Karlskrona/Ronneby in Sweden
  • The Boy Scouts
  • Curious George
  • Dr. Toy's Guide
  • Bear Den
  • Kids Web
  • Zini's Activity Page
  • DuJour
  • 4Kids Treehouse
  • Logo
  • Pets & other animals
  • NativeTech
  • Franklin Institute Science Museum
  • Awesome Site for All Ages - That's their name, not a plug.
  • Kid Land
  • Ned's Surfing Site 4 Kids
  • Platypus Family Playroom
  • Felix The Cat
  • W3K - Kid's World-Wide Guide
  • Mike & Allie's Kid's Page
  • Cute Kid's Page - tons of stories by kids
  • Juneau Web Family Center
  • C/Net Central
  • YO! (Youth Outlook)
  • RealTEEN
  • LiveWire Youth Media
  • NandoNext for Teens
  • Toy Story (The Movie)
  • Kellogg's Clubhouse
  • Boston Computer Museum
  • Gumby on the Web
  • The Muppets in CyberSpace
  • Jamie Cheesman's Kids Page
  • All About Bones
  • Judy and David Home Page
  • Kinetic City Super Crew
  • The Danger Mouse Home Page
  • Learn to Draw Cartoons
  • Safari Touch Tank
  • The Sugar Bush
  • The Yuckiest Site on the Internet!
  • Giant Squid
  • Welcome to PoohCorner
  • Where's Waldo?
  • TV Land
  • Build a Monster
  • Elementary Science This Month
  • Ant Farm
  • Sugar Bush
  • The Hadrosaurus
  • Bee-Eye
  • Optical Illusions
  • The 9 Planets
  • Nanoworld
  • Kid Poetry
  • Secret Agent's Homepage
  • Grandpa Mike's Safe Kids Page
  • TheKids
  • CD-MOM
  • SafeSurf's Kid's Wave
  • MooTown by Sargento Cheese
  • Greykidwatch
  • Planet Blortland
  • Free Learning Activities
  • Goosebumps
  • Gargoyles
  • Matchbox Action Central
  • Yahooligans!
  • Worm World
  • IntelliYouth
  • Charlotte, the Vermont Whale
  • Kids Net
  • Rainbows
  • Jack Will's HomePage
  • Kidz Kave
  • Summer Fun
  • Origami Page
  • World Wide Webs
  • Bug Club
  • Zarina's Disney Page
  • The Asylum
  • Yo-Yo
  • Hidden Mickey's!

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    Big Chalk the education network

    Ask Jeeves for Kids
    Kohl's Childrens Museum